Fire dampers are passive fire protection products used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork through fire-resistance rated walls and floors.
The British Standard 9999 Code of Practice for Fire Safety in the Design, Management & Use of Buildings requires all ducting, whether it is for ventilation, heating or air conditioning to be fitted with fire dampers.
BS 9999 fire damper maintenance legislation.
The BS 9999 legislation on fire damper maintenance states that all fire dampers must be tested by a competed person after they have been installed and at regular intervals not exceeding two years. If you have had spring-operated fire dampers installed in your ducting, then you will need to have these tested at least every 12 months or even more frequently if they are installed in an area that is affected by high levels of dust or pollution. All fire dampers that are electronically connected to a fire alarm system must be tested within the 12months service procedure of the Fire System as cause and effects.
Fire Dampers Servicing & Maintenance
Legislation states fire dampers must be tested following installation and at regular intervals not exceeding two years.
Call Riddor Fire Department for fire damper testing on +256 414 672 311 to discuss your requirements or book your service or maintenance appointment.